The untethered soul audiobook youtube
The untethered soul audiobook youtube

I listened a little more and the reincarnation speech came back three-fold. Can be hard to swallow, but the suggestions from the intention chapter are good and food for thought. The basis of which is the same you would find on wikipedia: souls are reincarnated to fulfill their purpose or unfinished business from past lives. However, to get had to listen to A Lot of monotone repetitive speech about Karma and reincarnation. Somewhere at the beginning was a chapter on INTENTIONS and the splintered personality that section was good. that part about Dolphin souls reincarnated? Zukav's reading to be perfect: calm and clear. The book is well-written, and I found Mr. And you always have help available in the form of nonphysical guides and teachers. Paying attention to your emotions and your intuitions is very important in this process, as well as honest analysis of your intentions in every situation. When you stop making choices from fear and instead choose to act in love and trust, you experience healing and growth on your spiritual path. You then draw to yourself people and experiences that awaken the unhealed parts of you and provide opportunities to consciously change your choices. A summary might go like this: your soul picks aspects of itself that desire growth and healing, and then incarnates into a physical form having those aspects. "The Seat of the Soul" is a personal guide to that transformation. To sum up, we are transforming from five-sensory humans into multi-sensory humans. We are also beginning to acknowledge that dimensions of reality beyond the five senses exist, and that we interact with those dimensions. Gary's personal journey is an example of what he believes humanity is experiencing as a whole: we are beginning to realize that controlling other people and outer circumstances cannot bring us true happiness and fulfillment. Anyone who has seen him on Oprah (where he was introduced to most of us) has witnessed his gentleness and humility. Here is a man who changed from an angry soldier trained to kill into a quiet, gentle human being trained to love. Listening to Gary Zukav calmly explaining his views on spirituality, you would never guess that he was once a Green Beret serving in Vietnam and, by his own confession, a former sex addict (listen to his very honest Miboso interview at his website, And yet here is a man who realized that facing enemies out in the jungles of Vietnam and sleeping around with women were actually ways to avoid facing his inner enemies of fear and insecurity. The Seat of the Soul describes the remarkable journey to the spirit that each of us is on. He illustrates how the emerging values of the spirit are changing marriages into spiritual partnerships, psychology into spiritual psychology, and transforming our everyday lives. Using his scientist's eye and philosopher's heart, Zukav shows how infusing the activities of life with reverence, compassion, and trust makes them come alive with meaning and purpose. He shows how the pursuit of external power has produced our survival-of-the-fittest understanding of evolution, generated conflict between lovers, communities, and superpowers, and brought us to the edge of destruction. With lucidity and elegance, Zukav explains that we are evolving from a species that pursues power based upon the perceptions of the five senses, external power, into a species that pursues authentic power, power that is based upon the perceptions and values of the spirit. With the same extraordinary skill that he used to demystify scientific abstraction and the new physics, Gary Zukav, the award-winning author of The Dancing Wu Li Masters, here takes us on a brilliant and penetrating exploration of the new phase of evolution we have now entered.

The untethered soul audiobook youtube